الأحد، 31 أكتوبر 2010

Free Xbox 360 Kinect from Xpango - Coming Soon!

Xbox 360 Kinect from Xpango - Coming Soon!
Posted by Xpango | Monday, August 23, 2010 | 0 comments »

Kinect for Xbox 360 - you are the controller...

Nintendo started it all with the hugely popular Wii - physical movement of a controller to control gameplay.

Well, Microsoft (and soon Sony) are due to take that to a whole new level with the Kinect Sensor - movement to control a game, without a physical controller.

The Kinect system was previewed a few months back at the E3 Conference and looks like it will be bringing full motion gameplay to life within the Xbox 360.

What do Microsoft say about Kinect?

"Kinect brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways - no controller required. Easy to use and instantly fun, Kinect gets everyone off the couch moving, laughing and cheering. See a ball? Kick it. Control an HD movie with a wave of the hand. Want to join a friend in the fun? Simply jump in.

With Kinect technology evaporates, letting the natural magic in all of us shine. And the best part is Kinect works with every Xbox 360."

Gameplay without a controller?

That's right - The Kinect Sensor picks up to 48 parts of your body and detects movement from these.

The Kinect Sensor is due for release in November and will be available with the Kinect Adventures pack or as a bundle with an Xbox 360.

The Kinect could well change the way games are played and will certainly open new doors whilst attracting those that perhaps don't often play video games. Fitness games, dance games etc will be very well suited for the Kinect and early game releases appear to focus on these. But don't let that put you off as the Kinect is due to cater for regular gamers too, Star Wars Kinect looks to be an intriguing addition! We look forward to seeing how that works.

Whilst the Kinect is not out until November, you can now begin earning credits towards the Kinect to receive it for free from Xpango.

Oh and Playstation and Wii fans - don't worry! We will be covering the Wii Motion + and Playstation Move very shortly ;)

New Design

We've completely re-freshed the website design, with new colours, a new logo and generally modernised it. We hope this will be easier for members to navigate and use.

We would add that at present most of the changes are on the front-end of the website. We will be working to re-do and improve the back-end system in the coming months, with a new offer directory and new offers too - so watch this space!


We hope you like the new website as much as we do! If you have any feedback we would love to hear it so feel free to comment below

All feedback is greatly welcomed!
We've had many, many requests for all sorts of new gifts, but we have started with adding a whole new range - Mac & PC

You can now receive items such as the Apple iPad, Sony Vaio Netbooks, Samsung Netbooks and more go to this website to view new Mac & PC Section of the website


We have also updated every other range of gifts, new phones, new HDTVs and many more new items added.

New Video - Introducing Bob

One of the main problems we have struggled with in the past is explaining exactly how Xpango works to new members, so we decided that video was the way forward - Bob was born!

Using some great animation and a voice-over, we now have a fantastic new video to explain exactly how Xpango works. This should also help you when referring friends, as it will be much easier for your friends to understand how Xpango works.

Visit to the new website at Xpango.com


New Xpango website! Isn't it about time you met Bob?

Xpango are pleased to announce that we have now launched a much improved and new version of our website!

This includes a whole new design, new gifts and many more features, including;

•New Logo, colours and front end design
•New 'how it works' video
•New Gifts and new range of gifts - Mac & PC now added
•New Gift pages
•Simplified and clearer navigation